My name is Madalina Costin, nicknamed Hayky and in the past I used to have this blog called where I gave fashion advice and news. Last year was a hard year for me because I had to study a lot for my exams, I applied to Coventry University in UK, I tried to spend my summer with my friends and my boyfriend as much as I could because I knew I had to leave, I finally left in September and after 2 months I moved back to Romania because I had multiple health problems while I lived there. This is why I never had time to write anymore, but now that I'm back here, with a normal uni life, I have more time to concentrate on my love and passion for fashion. I also have to thank to all my readers who've been so supportive all this time and encouraged me to start writing again. This blog will be a bit different from the other because here I will only post personal pictures and looks. If you still want to get inspired, I have a tumblr (Click here to see it)where I post daily (it rarely happens to pass a day without posting, for example, when my internet connection fails or when I'm supper busy, but I'm doing my best). Also, I have another blog where I show more of my artistic part, with make-up, DIY and recipes (Click here to see it). I hope you will enjoy my work! For now, you can see some pictures of my past looks below...
RO: Ma numesc Costin Madalina (Hayky) si in trecut aveam un blog numit unde obisnuitam sa dau sfaturi fashion, dar si ultimele noutati din lumea modei. Ultimul an a fost un an destul de greu pentru mine pentru ca a trebuit sa invat pentru examenul de Bacalaureat si Ielts, am aplicat la universitatea Coventry din Anglia, in vara am incercat sa-mi petrec cat mai mult timp cu prietenii si iubitul meu pentru ca stiam ca urmeaza sa ma mut, in Septembrie am plecat in UK, iar dupa doua luni a trebuit sa ma intorc datorita multiplelor probleme de sanatate destul de grave. Acestea sunt motivele pentru care nu am mai avut timp sa scriu pe fostul blog, dar acum m-am intors, si am o viata mai linistita, de studenta obisnuita si am mai mult timp sa ma concentrez pe dragostea si pasiunea mea pentru moda. De asemenea, trebuie sa le multumesc tuturor celor care m-au sustinut in tot acest timp si m-au incurajat sa ma apuc de postat din nou. Acest blog va fi putin diferit fata de cel de dinainte pentru ca aici voi posta numai poze cu outfiturile purtate de mine. Daca vreti totusi poze pentru inspiratie si sfaturi de moda va invit sa accesati blogul tumblr sau blogul de make-up, DIY si retete. Sper ca va place!
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